A Wildflower school
An equitable, Montessori school in Mission Bay

This fall, in the heart of San Francisco,California opened The Dahlia School of San Francisco. With a wonderful and strategic location between the Design and the Financial District, the San Francisco Modern Art Museum, the Ferry Building, and nearby San Francisco’s Chinatown, which gathers one of the biggest populations of Chinese people in the USA after NYC.

Photo by zoe pappas from Pexels

Photo Instagram: @thedahliaschoolsf

The school is ready to welcome children from the toddlers’ age all the way up to elementary. They involve a bilingual program bringing a Spanish immersion to their program. And also a movement, arts, and Nature program. All this is under the cover of the authentic Montessori method. What can be best!

Photo Instagram: @thedahliaschoolsf
Photo by Yulia from Pexels
In order to achieve this mayor’s goal, the Dahlia School of San Francisco has join forces with MUKKA, furniture collections designed by ArkA, whose goal is to bring specialized and functional designed facilities for our children.

The Mukka line constitutes a series of design furniture such as chairs, tables, welcoming centers, all thought based on the real users of the products. Inspired by Montessori education philosophy they make it possible to achieve self-learning, independence, and exploration.